Network of Women Chairs (NWC)

Aims of NWC:
To share experiences and learning through networking with fellow women chairs and vice chairs of trustees thereby improving charity governance.

To encourage:
• women from all ethnic and social groups, and of all ages to become trustees, chairs and vice chairs;
• members to apply to be chairs and vice chairs of larger and more high profile charities thus improving the gender balance in the sector ;
• education, learning and sharing of good practice.

The network is open to all women chairs and vice chairs of trustees.

Format of online meetings:
4.25pm –  Log in
4.30pm – Prompt start
Welcome and introduction of Guest of Honour
Guest of honour speaks for about 20mins. Questions and answers
5.30pm – Discussion in smaller breakout rooms
6.00pm – End of meeting

There are four meetings each year (currently online). All meetings are under the Chatham House Rule. There are no membership fees

Further information about the Network of Women Chairs can be found at: or by contacting Carly Fields –

Groundbreakers: voluntary sector women leaders

The purpose of Groundbreakers is:
• To network with and to learn from fellow women chief executives of national and international
charities (past and present).
• To network with women CEs in the public and private sectors in order to share learning.
• To encourage women who have the potential to become leaders in the public, voluntary and private sectors.

The steering group consists of Susan Daniels (CEO National Deaf Children’s Society) Caroline Diehl (Chair, Community Channel), Jan Tallis (former CEO Home-School Support, Bridget Warr (CEO, United Kingdom HomeCare Association), Polly Neate (CEO of Shelter), Aleema Shivji (Executive Director of Impact and Investment at Comic Relief) and Camilla Knox-Peebles ( Chief Executive of Amref Health Africa UK) and Dhivya O’Connor (CEO of United World Schools).

Previous speakers have include: Dame Anne Owers, Chief Inspector of Prisons; Eliza Manningham-Buller, Director General of MI5; Baroness Campbell of Surbiton, Chair of the Office for Disability Issues; Dame Jenny Abramsky, Chair, the National Heritage Memorial Fund and Heritage Lottery Fund; Baroness Jean Corston; Dame Helen Ghosh, Director General National Trust, Dame Ursula Brennan, Suzi Leather, Chair of the Charity Commission, Lynne Berry, Chair of the Commission on the Voluntary Sector and Ageing, Deputy-Chair of the new Canal and River Trust (formerly British Waterways Trust), Jenny Watson Chair of the Electoral Commission, Baroness Doreen Lawrence and Baroness Claire Tyler, Chair of CAFCASS

All meetings are under Chatham House Rules.

Further information about Groundbreakers can be found on: or by contacting
